Saturday, 2 March 2013

The First Big Step

2nd March, 2013
“Procrastination is the thief of time.”  Who said that?  Someone plunging into the world of blogs for the first time, I suspect.  Well, there’s no point in dilly-dallying.  The time has come to pitch myself into the enticing, if slightly forbidding, waters of JN1001.

Perhaps a good place to start this adventure might be to tell you a bit about why I’m embarking on “The Journalist in Society.”  

Firstly, I’m interested!  For too long now I’ve grumbled about the media that I do access (newspapers, TV news, and the internet) without having much understanding of what underpins them.  And what is this discipline of journalism anyway?  How can I use it to enhance the quality of my own life and to progress the quality of life of others?

Secondly, I want to try and conquer some new skills.  I can’t watch my four year old grandson effortlessly migrating round his iPad any longer.  I’ve got to join the twenty first century!  It would be great to access diverse sources of information and opinion more effectively, to find out about (and use) social media, to write good articles and to make them interesting and intriguing for my readers. 

Thirdly, I want to try and stave off mental decline!  The current wisdom in the journals of gerontology – the study of old age – is that there is no sure way of preventing dementia at this time but there are several “protective strategies” that seem to strengthen the capacity of older people to avoid it.  Keeping socially involved, getting regular exercise, and developing new skills involving new path ways in the brain probably top the list.   JN1001 should fit the bill on all counts!

Fourthly, and perhaps most importantly, I think it might be fun!  How nice it will be to be getting to know a completely new group of people with different life experiences to mine, with different skill bases, with fresh ideas and with that openness to the new that youth often brings.  I hope I can contribute something positive to the mix by bringing to the class some of my past experience but, like everyone else, I guess I’ll need to earn my stripes.

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